Orbiter-audio is the manufacturer of Turntables featuring technical finesse and masterful craftsmanship on highest level. Our mass drive Model TS is impressing with absolute synchronism, effective decoupling, and our unique innovation: The T-SLOT Tonearm quick-change system- and all made of massive aluminium and resonance controlling materials.
Tonearm change within seconds
The large variety of tonearms and cartridges originates a fairly large part of vinyl-fascination. In the past huge effort of time and accurate work was necessary repeatedly every time when you bring the jewels of your collection to usage in exact positioning.
Thanks to the new Orbiter-Audio T-SLOT system this is over now.
The concentrical T-Slot enables you to make your once on it’s base adjusted tonearm ready to play within shortest time. The position on the slot can be freely chosen by aesthetical or practical criteria. Up to 4 tonearms are possible at once.

In the center of music
Our elaborately developed high-precision bearing unites maximum stiffness wand absolute radial runout with minimal friction. A stable lubrication film is constantly sustained by an effective oil pump, which drives a closed oil circuit. That is why our finestly honed bearing sleeve runs practically without metallic contact on its axis made of hardened and polished carbon-steel. The axial bearing is fully built from industrial extremely hard ceramic.
A multiply resonance-decoupled powerful motor quickly accelerates the massive platter to 33/45 RPM via flat belt and holds the speed very constantly. By a consequently analogue developed control unit, speed can be accurately adjusted to changing environmental parameters. The motor unit is fixed onto a second T-Slot underneath the lower part of the chassis. So one or even two motor units can be positioned freely.

It is not only the remarkable mass of this turntable that makes it imperturbable. Also various damping elements (mostly the ones between the two chassis platters) do decouple from ground vibrations and control resonances. All together generates a very sophisticated and highly defined acoustic pattern.
one model - many varieties

technical data
Drive: analogue control DC-motor, 33/45 RPM, flat belt
Bearing: industry ceramic, hard brass , carbon steel, oill
Platter: aluminum /POM | approx. 19kg
Chassis: two-part, decoupled subchassis | approx. 25kg
News / Announcements
01.09.2020 - HIFI STARS reviewed our Model TS
The german Hifi Stars visited us and tested our TS model thoroughly and enthusiastically.
Conclusion: 'For the lucky owners of such an exceptional drive, the journey through orbit is over and the music comes to the fore again for the rest of their lives, at least.'
Click here for the complete review (PDF in german)
Conclusion: 'For the lucky owners of such an exceptional drive, the journey through orbit is over and the music comes to the fore again for the rest of their lives, at least.'
Click here for the complete review (PDF in german)
18.03.2020 -Listeningsession with ABACUS and Vitru Akustik
Aufgrund der aktuellen Entwicklung des Coronavirus müssen wir leider das Hörevent kurzfristig absagen! Ein Nachholtermin wird zu gegebener Zeit bekannt gegeben. Für Euch und uns tut es sehr leid, wir hatten uns auf dieses Event sehr gefreut!
Wenn Ihr dennoch neugierig auf die großartige Kette seid, dann meldet euch zu einem Einzeltermin zwisch dem 18.03-01.04. an. Unter der Woche ab 17.30, Samstags ab 12 Uhr. Termine bitte telefonisch unter 015228675956 absprechen.
Kommt gut und gesund durch diese Zeit!
Ursprünglicher Text: Unser Plattenspieler Modell TS als Startpunkt einer großartigen HighEnd-Kette. Verstärkungen finden die feinen Signale im Verstärker-Flaggschiff Ampollo von ABACUS electronics. Die akustische Umwandlung vollbringen dann die Betonlautsprecher MERACU SODALIS von unserer befreundeten Manufaktur Vitru Akustik.
Gemeinsam laden wir am 18.03.20 ab 18.00 Uhr in unseren Hörraum in der Industriestraße 20, 28199 Bremen ein und lassen die hochkarätige Kette groß aufspielen. Für das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt sein. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Mittwoch der 18. März, 18.00Uhr
Industriestraße 20, 28199 Bremen
01.- 02.02.2020 - HIFI Fair NDHT 2020 in Hamburg
Wir stellen aus! Sehen, Fühlen und vor allem Hören können Sie Orbiter Audio auf den Norddeutschen Hifi Tagen in Hamburg. Zusammen mit dem Betonlautsprechern von Vitru Akustik gibt es feinste analoge Klänge.Wir freuen uns auf Sie in Raum 237.